Century Casino Announces Opening of Casino On Silver Cloud

Century Casino, Inc. announced the casinos onboard the silver cloud on Mar. 27, 2004. The silver cloud has embarked on a scheduled trip to Monte Carlo and will spend the summer in the Mediterranean Sea and Northern Europe. The casino onboard the silver cloud is equipped with 15 slot machines and three game tables.

Silversea Cruises is a world-famous six-star cruise ship headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2004, it operates four cruise ships: the Silver Cloud, Silver Shadow, Silver Wind, and Silver Whisper. The Century Casino has exclusive rights to install and operate casinos on four ships.

In addition to operating a casino on the Silver Lea Cruise ship, Century Casino also operates a casino on the Regata with 684 passengers operated by Oceania Cruise and in The World of Residen Sea, the world’s first luxury residential community. 온라인경마

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