Caesars Donates $60,000 To Tutoring Program

Caesars Entertainment, one of the world’s top game companies, joined 100 Black people in Las Vegas, the local branch of a national organization dedicated to mentoring a small number of young people, to support unique tutoring programs at three Westside schools in the city.

Known as the Wimbledon Plan for Special Education, the program will provide special tutoring for elementary school students whose reading ability is significantly lower than the grade. The purpose of the program is to improve students’ reading skills so that they are no longer in danger of being held back or let go in special classrooms. 바카라

“This program is aimed at addressing one of the most serious challenges facing children from disadvantaged families: developing strong reading skills early in their academic careers,” said Larry J. Mosley, president of Las Vegas 100 Black Men. “Without these skills, many of these children can find themselves hamstrung by the education system or otherwise selected. The results of it can last a lifetime,” Mosley added.

Caesars Entertainment’s $60,000 donation will help fund the Wimberly Initiative for a year until May 2005. The fund will pay 15 teachers to teach extracurricular lessons twice a week to about 75 students at Wendell P. Williams and H.P. Fitzgerald Elementary School and the Andre Agassi Preparatory Academy. The donation will also pay for textbooks to be used in the program.

“Cesars Entertainment is committed to supporting programs that bring lasting value to people in the communities we work and live in,” said Steven F. Bell, vice president of Caesars. “The 100 Black Wimberly Initiative in Las Vegas represents the best of community service because its benefits literally last a lifetime,” added Paul Jones, vice president of human resources and diversity at Caesars.

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