Pepper Savings Bank Yeomeoreheung, knee surgery in January next year 6 to 9 months in rehabilitation

 Pepper Savings Bank’s second-year women’s professional volleyball middle blocker Yeom Eo-le-heung (19) will undergo knee surgery in January next year.A Pepper Savings Bank official said on the 18th, “Yeom Eorheung will undergo surgery to remove the meniscus of his right knee (internal and lateral damage),” and added, “Due to medical staff scheduling issues, the surgery is planned to be performed in January of next year.” “She expects 6 to 9 months of rehabilitation,” she said.

With a height of 194 cm, Yeom Leheng, who is the tallest domestic player in the V-League women’s division, joined Pepper Savings Bank as the first overall pick in the 2022-2023 season amid expectations, but has not yet been able to demonstrate her talent on the professional stage due to injury.Yeom-eo-leheng, who underwent knee surgery after playing only 2 games in the 2022-2023 season, is on the operating table after playing in only 9 games this season and is looking forward to next season. Yeom Erheng, who already had knee surgery during his high school days, is undergoing his third surgery.Pepper Savings Bank, at the bottom of the women’s division, mired in a 9-game losing streak, must play out the remainder of the season 스포츠토토존 with three middle blockers, including MJ Phillips, Ha Hye-jin, and Seo Chae-won.

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