Ahn Hyun-soo said in an interview with Sochi media, “I was happy in Russia.”

Short track superstar Ahn Hyun-soo (38) said he does not regret his choice to become a “Victor An” for the Russian national team and win three Winter Olympics gold medals.

In an interview reported by Russia’s Sochi Novosti on November 28 (Korea time), Ahn Hyun-soo explained why he left the Korean national team, saying, “I was not satisfied with winning three gold medals at the 20th Turin Winter Olympics in 2006 or I didn’t want to stay only in that achievement.”

“Sochi Novosti” is an electronic newspaper based in the host city of the 22nd Winter Olympics in 2014. “We sent a reporter to the editing room of the Russian government-run daily newspaper Rosyskaya Gazeta to exchange questions and answers with Ahn Hyun-soo,” she added.

Ahn Hyun-soo is the men’s short track GOAT (Greatest of All Time) with six gold medals in the Winter Olympics. As a playing coach, he was involved in winning everything in the Sochi Olympics, leading Russia to win the gold, silver, and bronze medals overall. 메이저 토토사이트

Ahn Hyun-soo said, “I have no regrets about joining the Russian national team. I spent a long time recovering from a serious injury and then returned to training, but it was only after Korean officials branded me as a ‘player I couldn’t do better’.”

Russia’s short track speed skating ranked 8th at the 23rd Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in 2018 (Dong 1) and 7th at the 24th Beijing Winter Olympics in 2022 (Silver 1, Dong 1) when Ahn Hyun-soo was not helped.

“The Korean national team was composed of young players (even after I regained my health and was able to exercise again). Many of them were weaker than mine, but their position continued to improve. I still felt that I could do well on the international stage, so I was very disappointed and frustrated,” Ahn recalled.

Ahn Hyun-soo, who retired from active duty after the 2019-20 season, served as coach for the Chinese national team from 2020 to the Beijing Winter Olympics. “Many short track fans from around the world cheered me on through letters as I no longer play for the Korean national team. The Russian Skating Union has also expressed its sincere intention to recruit Ahn,” he said.

“The message from Russia was very kind, but at first I decided to give up and end my career. However, as I continued my training, at some point, I gained hope and regained my confidence in my abilities. Even if I leave Korea, I am determined to return to international competitions,” Ahn explained.

“None of the Korean short track officials believed in my resurgence. The national team was in the mood not to even mention it,” Ahn Hyun-soo, who expressed regret, said. “A group of Russian experts proposed training with athletes preparing for the Sochi Olympics, guaranteeing that a bright future will come again unconditionally.”

“Not only the leader and medical staff, but also ordinary Russian sports fans who were not interested in short track trusted me. My teammates on the national team also showed great support from the beginning. I wanted to make my hope and passion for the short track gold medal come true,” Ahn said, revealing his commitment to the Sochi Olympics.

The first Russian to win a short-track gold medal in men’s 1,500 meters on the first day of Sochi. “Everyone was happy, but I failed. I wanted to cry because I was embarrassed. I participated in training, injury and recovery, and even turned my back on Korea for eight years (after Turin),” Ahn said, expressing his commitment to winning three gold medals afterward.

“I put up with my sadness. I will definitely win a gold medal from now on,” recalled Ahn Hyun-soo, who recalled, “The sky will decide who will win the podium at the Olympics, but it was never easy. I did my best to the limit of my ability. I was happy to win the title. I was really happy in Sochi, the land of the big victory.”

23 thoughts on “Ahn Hyun-soo said in an interview with Sochi media, “I was happy in Russia.”

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