The Pro Rodeo Action consists of two types of competitions – a rough stock event and a timed event – and an all-around cowboy crown. Each competition has its own rodeo rules and order of play. In rough stock competitions, bare-body horseback riding, saddle bronze medal, and bull riding depend equally on the performance of the contestant and the performance of the animal. In order to earn a qualifying score, the cowboy must stay on a bucking horse or bull for eight seconds while using only one hand. If a rider touches an animal, himself, or his equipment with his free hand, he is disqualified.

In saddle bronzes and back horse riding, cowboys must place spurs on the horse’s shoulders and “mark” the horse until its front feet touch the ground. Otherwise, you will be disqualified. During the regular season, two judges will each score the Cowboys’ eligible ride, giving them 0–25 points for the rider’s performance and 0–25 points for the animal’s effort. The judges’ scores are combined to determine the competitor’s score. A perfect score is a hundred. Adjusting wrestling, team ropes, tie-down 슬롯머신 ropes, barrel races, and steer ropes, cowboys and cowgirls compete against the clock “on the other side of the field.” Participants’ goal is to record the fastest time in their competition. In steering wrestling and roping competitions, calves and steers can start first. The competitor starts from a three-sided fence area called the box on horseback. The fourth side leads to the stadium.

The rope barrier extends across its opening and is tied to the calf or steering device with a separation loop. Obstacles are automatically released when the calf or steering device reaches a head start point predetermined by the size of the stadium. A 10-second penalty is added when the Cowboys cross the barrier.

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