Mohegan Sun Visitors Win $483,000 Super 4 Progressive Jackpot

A lucky casinogoer from Nassau County, New York, popped a life-changing jackpot after visiting the Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut. On Monday, the guest won $483,622.40 for blackjacking at a tribal venue.

Visitors received a Super 4 Progressive Jackpot, which is offered to customers who bet an additional $5 on a blackjack on the property. The side bets in question are provided to all blackjack tables in the Mohegan Sun and run when the dealer’s hand is a blackjack.

The size of the product depends on the value and suitability of the card in the hands of players and dealers.

Mohegan announced that he won at Blackjack Table, located in Earth’s Casino, which boasts about 180,000 square feet of gaming and entertainment. Earth’s Casino boasts the Lost Tribal Hall, a special room with 1,900 slot machines, more than 200 table games, and nearly 400 slots and poker rooms.

The Mohegan Sun Real Estate boasts more than 300,000 square feet of gaming space overall, approximately 4,000 slots, and more than 300 game tables. 메이저놀이터

This is not the only jackpot that the Mohegan Sun Real Estate has recently handed over. Shortly after launching the Hold & Spin Slot Zone in Casino of the Sky, Mohegan handed over a $100,000 jackpot to a visitor. Meanwhile, as of this writing, the Dragon Link HD Progressive Jackpot had reached around $1.3 million, reaching maturity for a jackpot.

Other lucky players hit jackpots
In other news, a single mother in South Carolina earned $2 million (W230 million). The woman said she plans to continue her daily routine, but added that she plans to treat herself a little.

For context, the lucky player bought a $200 The Cash ticket while traveling to the supermarket.

As for continuing his routine, a British man recently admitted that he had never told his family about the £4 million prize he had won five years ago. Instead, the man stayed quiet, hired the services of an accountant, and even maintained his regular job.

The man said he preferred to keep his victory a secret because of his marked conflict with his family.

46 thoughts on “Mohegan Sun Visitors Win $483,000 Super 4 Progressive Jackpot

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