Introduction of ABS, U.S. Local Responses Are ‘Cautious’…”Why? Sports are an area where people run with their bodies”

The IMG Academy, where I am currently working as a coach, has coaches from Major League Baseball as well as me. They are also well aware of the introduction of the ABS system by KBO. Ironically, most coaches from Major League Baseball were negative about the introduction of ABS.

It is a common opinion that due to the nature of baseball, there is plenty of room for numerous variables to occur even in the moment. It was based on the fact that baseball is not a sport that hits a stationary ball like golf, but a sport that hits a moving ball with instantaneous judgment and reaction.

He also added that there are natural doubts about whether the application of a static system that fits exactly into a set frame in baseball, a dynamic sport, is right. 실시간 바카라사이트

There have already been cases in which the ball was judged because of the difference of less than 1cm, and there are opinions that the zone’s standards are changing depending on the stadium environment. For this reason, most KBO players were also in a position to follow the system at the beginning, but there are scenes in which experienced senior players raise objections to the decision. Moreover, it is true that machines can also have errors and breakages, and there are actually cases like that.

What is Major League Baseball’s position? The Major League Baseball secretariat has officially announced that it has no intention of introducing the ABS right away. MLB also introduced the ABS system on a trial basis starting in 2023 by comparing the decisions of robot and human referees, centering on Triple-A. Even the Major League Baseball secretariat, which originally planned to introduce the ABS system from 2025, has been delayed since 2026.

Although the Major League is leading the world’s baseball league, it is true that it is cautious and conservative when introducing new regulations. They say they can never ignore the database and experience accumulated over the history of Major League Baseball over 100 years.

Sports are an area where people play with their bodies, so it is also a position that the U.S. sports community consistently adheres to the fact that sports can become great. When it comes to refereeing, Major League Baseball also values the “human domain.”

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