The romantic comedy “Doctor Slump,” starring Park Shin-hye and Park Hyung-sik, debuted at No. 1 on Netflix’s weekly chart for non-English TV series, the global streaming service said Wednesday.JTBC’s ongoing series garnered 2.9 million total views during the Jan. 29-Feb. 4 slotplayground period, and was No. 1 in nine countries, including Hong Kong and Malaysia.
“Doctor Slump” is about two high school friends who reunite by chance after 14 years. Facing life’s worst slump, they unexpectedly find solace in each other. Meanwhile, the dystopian action flick “Badland Hunters,” starring Ma Dong-seok, globally known as Don Lee, retained the No.1 spot for two weeks in a row on the streamer’s non-English movie list, with 18.1 million views. The film was 슬롯게이밍 also the most-viewed movie, including English titles, on the streaming site during the cited period