Choo Shin-soo Decides To Retire After 2024 Season”I Think It’s Time to End 23 Years”

“My family and I agonized a lot during the off-season. Whenever that happened, I could see SSG, fans’ support and, more than anything else, younger players. As such, I felt that I had a great love for baseball and the team, so I agonized over my team and future career together. The team and the new coach needed me and respected my opinion. Next year’s performance is important, but I want to contribute to the team by sharing my experiences and thoughts while training with younger players at Futures League anytime, depending on the team’s situation,” Choo said. 스포츠토토

While discussing his career path with the club, Choo recently announced his decision to retire after the end of the 2024 season and his intention to donate the minimum annual salary (30 million won) and full salary to the club. While respecting Choo’s opinion, SSG also decided to join the club’s donation activities. The exact amount of donation and various donation activities will be disclosed later.

In order to repay fans’ love and support, Choo has proposed various fan service plans for the 24th season. He plans to end his career by making meaningful memories with his fans, including gifts for his signature-faulting uniform, special signing events and support for Ama Baseball. Details will also be announced later.

Regarding the decision to retire, Choo Shin-soo said, “I think it’s time to end the 23 years of baseball in the U.S. and Korea since 2001. As it is the last season, I want to present meaningful memories regardless of home and away fans with gratitude to the fans who have supported me.”

Choo Shin-soo joined the team with the founding of SSG in 2021, serving as the centerpiece of the team as a veteran player of the team, and led the team to an integrated “wire-to-wire” victory last year. In addition, he has made more than 2.4 billion donations to youth and socially vulnerable groups so far this year, and has been serving as a “culture changer” for the past three years, more than just a leader inside and outside the baseball stadium, expressing various opinions for the development of Korean baseball.

Meanwhile, Choo will captain the team for the 2024 season at the request of Lee. Lee suggested next year’s captaincy, considering that Choo not only has abundant experience and leadership, but also is highly respected by the team, and Choo accepted the offer.

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